Commencement at vnsr威尼斯城官网登入

Get ready to celebrate

Commencement is a time to celebrate you ——不仅仅是你所获得的学位和你所学到的一切, 还包括你准备如何运用你的才能 strengthen your community.


For August and December 2023 graduates

周六,我们在皮特曼剧院举行了2023年8月和12月毕业生的毕业典礼, December 16. The commencement ceremony for undergraduate candidates is at 11 AM and the ceremony for 博士和硕士研究生在下午2点.  看看下面两个毕业典礼的直播吧!



Step 1

Stay on track

Your Academic Evaluation Report and Validation Matrix Report 将已完成的课程与学位要求进行比较. Be sure to review your reports with your academic advisor.

Update your graduation date in IOL.

Step 2

Submit a Participation & Accommodations Form

You will receive a Participation & 住宿表在上学期开始时通过学生办公室主任的电子邮件发送. If you have questions or changes, please email

Step 3

Get involved

Want to make the day extra special? 对于本科生和研究生来说,通常有几个学生演讲者的角色, awarded based on an audition process.

我们为学生提供机会来庆祝他们的传统,以及感谢和尊重那些在他们的大学旅程中支持他们的人. The Bestowing of the Kente and LatinX Con Fuerza cultural ceremonies 通常在毕业典礼前一周庆祝吗. 

Step 4

Order your cap and gown

毕业礼帽、礼服和流苏必须从赫夫琼斯网上订购. 链接将通过电子邮件和网站提供 毕业Moodle课程(本科生GRF-400,研究生和博士生GRF-600). 学生们将在10月初收到通知 regalia ordering process.  对于那些在8月份毕业的学生,你的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入邮箱将在毕业后的6个月内保持活跃.

The cost of your regalia (cap, gown, 帽和流苏)的费用由175美元的毕业费支付(从你的学生账户中评估). 额外物品(披肩、纪念品流苏、公告等.) can be purchased separately; cords representing membership in specific groups are coordinated through the program director or faculty advisor. 

Step 5

Wrap up financial aid and billing

在学院颁发文凭或成绩单之前,你需要支付你对阿尔弗诺的所有财务义务. You may check your balance in IOL. For assistance, please contact our Student Accounts office.

如果你有学生贷款,你需要填写一份 online exit interview. Please contact our Financial Aid office for more information.

Step 6

Time to celebrate!

请关注您的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入电子邮件和毕业Moodle课程,了解典礼细节, including time, location and the number of guests allowed.

Upcoming ceremony:

  • December commencement: Saturday, December 16, 2023

所有的毕业典礼活动都由学生办公室协调(FO 119)。. If you have any questions, please email or visit us.

Step 7

Stay connected

欢迎来到一个拥有17,000多名vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 Strong校友的美妙社区! 有很多方法可以让你和母校保持联系, from attending alum events, to joining our 指导网络,抓住终身学习和职业发展的机会. 确保我们有你的最新vnsr威尼斯城官网登入,这样我们就能让你随时了解阿尔弗诺的一切!

我们也鼓励您完成第一次目的地调查, 是什么帮助我们完成我们的使命,让毕业生为个人和职业的卓越生活做好准备. You will receive a link to this in your email.

Commencement FAQs